Ivory Coast - RFA - 2019/20

Origin: Ivory Coast

Crop: 2019/20

Type: Forastero

Certifications: Rain Forest Alliance

Flavor Notes

The aroma – chocolate, dark spice (pepper?) and a really rare floral component. Are you ready for this one – chamomile and a hint of lilac.  Perfume.  That part of the spider chart is nearly always really low to non-existent.  Here it is quite clear.  There is virtually no astringency which is quite a surprise. There are also soft pumpkin pie spices in there. Cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice and mace floating and twirling together. The acid balance is right on – not really fruity (but flowery from the chamomile), but it is there nonetheless. It has hints of light biscuit (that baking bread smell), a little black pepper (odd, but after two days tasting it, that is what comes to mind) and of course the rather characteristic and “classic” earthy chocolate flavor back up by a bit of toasted Brazil nut or muted hazelnut.  Finally there is a hint of fresh leather.